Department of Agrarian Reform Employee, Eduardo Balino commits suicide inside taxi

An agrarian reform official from Negros Occidental committed suicide inside a taxi in Barangay Acuit, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo.

The victim, identified as Eduardo Balino, slashed his neck and wrist inside the “Light of Glory” taxi owned by driver Roger Gallero.

According to Gallero, they were on their way to the town of Barotac Viejo at around 6 a.m. on Monday when Balino suddenly took the steering wheel from him, which almost caused his taxi to crash into an approaching bus.

Gallero said he was able to avoid the bus, parked the taxi and immediately ran away.

Barotac Nuevo chief of police P/Insp. Ronnie Brillo said Balino was found already dead inside the taxi when they responded.

Brillo said the identification cards found in victim’s wallet says that Balino is a Municipal Agrarian Reform officer from Negros Occidental.

Initial investigation said Balino is having problems at work.

Two knives used by Balino were recovered in the crime scene. – Report from Nony Basco, ABS-CBN Iloilo



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